Why and how turning to a Zero Waste lifestyle?
What is Zero Waste ?
I discover the zero waste lifestyle haphazardly I have always been sensitive to environmental issues and I had a click, indeed I live in the south of France, on the Mediterranean Sea coast.
Last year the Mediterranean Sea, the place where I live and I love, became the most polluted sea on Earth, more 95% of wastes on the beaches and on the surface of the Sea is plastic.
So, after this announcement, I tried to understand how could I make a difference and avoid the situation to get worse, I really wanted to know what I could change in my lifestyle. I did some research and I discover the “Zero Waste” movement and values. I learnt a lot about the effect of using plastic, for example a plastic straw breaks down in 500 years, and we can avoid that by reduce our plastic use.
Plastic recycles very little, so the idea of zero waste it’s rather than continuing to produce more and more, is to produce less, to manage differently its existing waste and to consume differently.
Benefits of zero waste
Bulk is generally 30% cheaper than equivalent products that are packages because there are less marketing and packaging expenses. You buy what you need, and you waste less. More by doing your own household or cosmetics products, you spend less.
When you get used to this lifestyle and set up an organization plan, zero waste simplifies life. You can say goodbye to superfluous products and time lost at the supermarket. Buy less and get to the essentials products it will free you mind and you will get time to do something else than consume.
How to turn into a zero waste lifestyle ?
Zero waste is above all an awareness. You can choose to gradually eliminate the plastic of your home, or start with a room in the house, like the kitchen. Once you finish something, ask how you can replace it with something more durable. The idea is to go little by little, by replacing with alternatives and even by the DIY products.
The rule of the 4 R:
Refuse: say no to plastic, free samples & flyers that will be offered to you. You can refuse nicely by explaining your step so as not to be considered rude.
Reduce: avoid overconsumption, the superfluous and go to the essential
Recycle: sort and recycle as much as possible the everyday waste and even compost your natural waste
Re-use: it is giving a second life to objects, repairing them, favorise second-hand products
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